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ProM – building skill for educational Mobility

ProM is a new European project aiming to provide a
comprehensive professional training programme to teachers by online learning, to support the management, planning and implementation of mobility initiatives.

ProM: what we’re doing

Four implementation workshops are being organised to present the ProM project and its work. The workshops are intended for school and college leaders, those responsible for the continuing professional development of teachers and decision makers in the field of education. They aim to:
• Test the ProM self-assessment tool and invite participants to evaluate their competences in mobility management,
• Present the ProM mobility training modules,
• Identify ways in which the ProM mobility tools can be integrated into the long term training of teachers.
Two workshops have already taken place – one at the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP) (Sèvres, France), and one at the Center für berufsbezogene Sprachen (CEBS) (Linz, Austria) – to brief participants on the ProM mobility tools and their added value for the training of teachers. Two more workshops in Italy and Poland will take place in September 2014.

Test the ProM self-assessment tool and help us to improve it!

How do you feel about mobility management? Do you need some mobility training? Or do some of your mobility management skills need to be perfected? Why not help us while you are working on your mobility skills, by using our self-assessment tool?
Once you have finished assessing your own skills and competences on the ProM website using our free self-assessment form, let us know what you think by responding to our short questionnaire. It takes less than ten minutes. Your responses are extremely valuable to us for improving the self-assessment tool to help it better serve the needs of teachers.

Click here for the self-assessment tool
Click here for the questionnaire

More Links and Information Here


ENTREE is a two year LLP Comenius project (203-2015) focused on the implementation of teacher education to improve teacher resilience and is framed by a broad theoretical concept that has been developed by the consortium. Teacher resilience is understood as a process of or capacity for positive adaptation and ongoing professional commitment and growth in the face of challenging circumstances.

To address this process adequately a self-assessment measure provides the participating teachers with broad feedback on their individual skills and opportunities for enhancing their capacity for resilience. Based on the outcomes of the self-assessment, the teachers can then participate in tailor-made training modules matching their individual needs.

The project consortium unites researchers with different academic backgrounds from several European Countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Portugal) and Australia. The Australian partners are already part of Keeping Cool and BRiTE, two projects regarding the enhancement of teacher resilience.

For further information please go to


ENSEC is a not for profit network of academics and practitioner devoted to the development and promotion of evidence-based practice in relation to socio-emotional competence and resilience amongst school students in Europe. It serves as a repository for information and data about strategies for the promotion of socio-emotional competence and resilience in schools in Europe and other parts of the world.

Its members seek to engage in collaborative original empirical research, develop collaborative European wide award-bearing academic programmes in this area, engage in dialogue with policy makers and practitioners, and contribute to policies and practices in this area. It organizes a biennial international conference, co-publishes the International Journal of Emotional Education, and publishes a biannual newsletter for its members, and serves as a platform for collaborative research amongst the members.

More information may be found on