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On May 6, 2008, Abilify was approved as monotherapy in the acute treatment of bipolar disorder, manic or mixed. Abilify was also approved as adjunctive therapy with lithium or valproate in the short-term treatment of bipolar disorder, manic or mixed.

Post-Marketing Surveillance Study of Aripiprazole in Patients With Autism; Assessment of Adverse Events in a Naive Pediatric Population Treated With an Antipsychotic; and Antipsychotic Induced Structural and Functional Brain Changes.

On May 6, 2008, Abilify was approved as monotherapy in the acute treatment of bipolar disorder, manic or mixed. Abilify was also approved as adjunctive therapy with lithium or valproate in the short-term treatment of bipolar disorder, manic or mixed.

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She is also hopeful that the same technology could soon be offered in other types of drugs as well. “For many people who have to go into assisted living or nursing homes, the tipping point is that they can’t keep track of their medication, she says. “This could be an amazing intervention for individuals and their families that would allow them to check in every day or two, without having to go to a higher level of care.”

Nursing mothers: Discontinue drug or discontinue nursing, taking into consideration the importance of the medication to the mother. Pregnancy: may cause extrapyramidal and/or withdrawal symptoms in neonates with third-trimester exposure.

In clinical trials, Abilify was tested against placebo-controlled groups in acutely relapsed patients with schizophrenia. Three of the four short-term trials were able to distinguish Abilify from placebo. However, in the smallest study, the trials were unable to distinguish Abilify from placebo.

Abilify treats these conditions by binding to several different neurotransmitter receptors. Abilify does not block dopamine or serotonin receptors but is a partial agonist. This may work to stabilize behavior in patients.

The FDA approved the first generic versions of Abilify two years ago, and Gellad predicts that the daily generic is going to be much less expensive than this one with the sensor.

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