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Rememberkeep this and all other medicines out of the reach of childrennever share your medicines with othersand use Famvir only for the indication prescribed.

Oral herpesYou should start taking famciclovir at the first sign of a cold sore on your mouthSymptoms can include tinglingitchingburningpainor soresGenital herpesYou should start taking famciclovir at the first sign of sores on your genitalsShinglesYou should start taking famciclovir as soon as possible after your doctor tells you that you have shinglesBe sure to start within 72 hours of when the rash first appears.

Read the Patient Information Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start taking famciclovir and each time you get a refillIf you have any questionsask your doctor or pharmacist.

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