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Publikazzjoni ta’ RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja. Kurrikulu ta’ Reżiljenza għall-Edukazzjoni Bikrija u Primarja fl-Ewropa.

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 10:40 am

RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja. Kurrikulu ta’ Reżiljenza għall-Edukazzjoni Bikrija u Primarja fl-Ewropa għadu kif ġie ppublikat f’sebgħa lingwi f’kopji stampati u diġitali. RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja jikkonsisti f’hames manwali li huma Gwida għall-Għalliema, Gwida għall-Ġenituri, u tliet manwali ta’ attivitajiet (Snin Bikrin, L-Ewwel Snin tal-Primarja, L-Aħħar Snin tal-Primarja). Il-kopja diġitali fiha ukoll attivaitjiet ta’ Moħħnihawn, Posters tat-Temi, Cards tal-Annimali u Mużika. Huwa meħtieg li l-istaff tal-iskola involut fl-implimetazzjoni tal-kurrikulu tal-iskola jattendi sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ dwar kif jimplimenta RESCUR (għal din ir-raġuni l-Gwida għall-Għalliema biss hija accessibli għall-pubbliku (ikklikja fuq il-qoxra tal-Gwida); l-erba manwali l-oħra jingħataw waqt i-taħrig. L-iskejjel, l-awtoritajiet edukattivi jew kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni oħra interessata li timplimenta RESCUR Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja tista’ tagħmel kuntatt mal-Professur Carmel Cefai, Ċentru għar-Reżiljenza u s-Saħħa Soċjo-Emozzjonali, fl-Università ta’ Malta:

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 9:22 am

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Croatia, 18th December 2015

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 7:46 pm

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch held at Orebro University, Sweden

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:00 am

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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Essay Write-up: Contraction and Rest of Cardiac Fibers

Essay Write-up: Contraction and Rest of Cardiac Fibers

Cardiac muscles carries a distinctive typical the chance to make contact with and unwind while not tense arousal (myogenic). The contractions are powerful and utilize placed power; they may be constant and so are begun by inherent system online paper writing service Cardiac materials are prolonged, cylindrical body cells. The sarcomere which is the contractile item from the myocardial tissues possess myosin, troponin, tropomysin and actin filaments. Shortening of the sarcomeres leads to contraction of your cardiac fibres. Intercalated discs have nearby cardiac fibres together with each other, anchor contractile protein and have the gap channels that allow propagate of steps prospective between microscopic cells creating contraction of adjacent fibers nearly simultaneous. There are many mitochondria over the cardiac cells to functionality the essential strength. The sarcoplasmic reticulum of your cardiac muscles cellular retailers and secretes calcium ions for contraction. Contraction happens via the excitation -contraction coupling employing the calcium -caused calcium mineral free up method. The sliding filament unit demonstrates the contraction from the cardiac lean muscle. Relaxing is the process whereby the muscle tissue on the heart and soul return to the first posture immediately after contraction.

Contraction will involve a balanced communication amongst calcium mineral ions, cell travel systems of calcium supplements, contractile protein and also the great strength phosphates. The cardiac muscle mass body cells undertake coordinated contractions governed from the intercalated discs which propagate the actions possibilities. The excitation -contraction coupling is a phenomena that changes an electrical stimulus (action possible) to your mechanised reply (contraction). Inside the heart and soul muscle mass, excitation contraction coupling relies on the calcium-induced calcium mineral release phenomenon where by calcium activates release of additional calcium in the muscle tissue sarcoplasmic reticulum.

  • An inward influx in the extracellular calcium ions throughout the ion channels (calcium) on the T tubules keeps depolarization with the cardiac lean muscle body cells for a longer time. Contraction and peace of the cardiac muscle tissue is proven via the moving filament kind of contraction (below) where myosin filaments slide alongside actin filaments to extend or reduce the cardiac fabric.
  • Contraction from the center can be a challenging operation initiated by conduction of your action possibilities by way of intercalated discs to the contractile cardiomyocytes induced by pacemaker tissues which goes between sarcomeres activating the calcium stations on the T tubules. This leads to activity of calcium supplements ions in the cellular which binds to cardiac troponin-C shifting the troponin complex from the actin binding web-site liberating the actin to always be bound by myosin and initiates contraction .
  • The actin filament is drawn with the myosin mind on the way to the middle of the sarcomere resulting in contraction from the cardiac lean muscle. The sarcoplasmic reticulum cleans away intracellular calcium mineral through the cell dropping its intracellular attentiveness. This will cause the cardiac troponin intricate to return to its unique suppressing placement over the energetic website of actin and this also eventually finishes contraction ultimately causing comfort.

The cardiac muscle tissue nerve fabric put together the contraction and comfort with the cardiac muscle mass to generate a powerful pumping of our blood within the body. The process of contraction does not come about for a bottom response to connections somewhere between calcium mineral ions and contractile protein but ATP represents a primary part in delivering vigor which important for the entire process of contraction and relaxation..