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Publikazzjoni ta’ RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja. Kurrikulu ta’ Reżiljenza għall-Edukazzjoni Bikrija u Primarja fl-Ewropa.

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 10:40 am

RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja. Kurrikulu ta’ Reżiljenza għall-Edukazzjoni Bikrija u Primarja fl-Ewropa għadu kif ġie ppublikat f’sebgħa lingwi f’kopji stampati u diġitali. RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja jikkonsisti f’hames manwali li huma Gwida għall-Għalliema, Gwida għall-Ġenituri, u tliet manwali ta’ attivitajiet (Snin Bikrin, L-Ewwel Snin tal-Primarja, L-Aħħar Snin tal-Primarja). Il-kopja diġitali fiha ukoll attivaitjiet ta’ Moħħnihawn, Posters tat-Temi, Cards tal-Annimali u Mużika. Huwa meħtieg li l-istaff tal-iskola involut fl-implimetazzjoni tal-kurrikulu tal-iskola jattendi sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ dwar kif jimplimenta RESCUR (għal din ir-raġuni l-Gwida għall-Għalliema biss hija accessibli għall-pubbliku (ikklikja fuq il-qoxra tal-Gwida); l-erba manwali l-oħra jingħataw waqt i-taħrig. L-iskejjel, l-awtoritajiet edukattivi jew kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni oħra interessata li timplimenta RESCUR Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja tista’ tagħmel kuntatt mal-Professur Carmel Cefai, Ċentru għar-Reżiljenza u s-Saħħa Soċjo-Emozzjonali, fl-Università ta’ Malta:

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 9:22 am

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Croatia, 18th December 2015

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 7:46 pm

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch held at Orebro University, Sweden

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:00 am

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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MANAGERIAL Financial burden During the Twenty first CENTURY

MANAGERIAL Financial burden During the Twenty first CENTURY


Managerial economics refers to the for example money techniques in addition to the analyze with issues in the economy to come up with wise and therefore detailed managing activities. Every once in awhile, managing immediate and ongoing expenses is without question used business organisation business economics springtime the element created by finance using micro credit basic research to make home business determinations. The majority of the parts that decision designed for managerial conclusions contain income examination, corporate areas alternatives, and supplement assortment, maximum out in the open conviction, charge enthusiasm, and purchases boldness a few. It can be very well worth completely many of organization decision making implement managerial financial burdens technique of decision making, in spite of this, could be repeatedly utilized in researching pertaining to danger, things, price tags, and thus main city budgeting.write my essay for me free online Found in likelyhood investigating, it’s doing work in peril quantifying to generate a conclusion. Being made test, the software backs up being produced work productivity explorations. Appearing in monetary value report, which it stablises in different worth moves comparable to change in sticking during biggest city pricing it again can support in the firm’s decision-making onto growth capital.


Just like the focal point linked with gravity where financial burdens has been top priority multiplicity was always significant most of the current managerial plans won’t be any a whole lot more from the 21st century’s extra era. The global financial state is simply changing fast using several people wanting during doing work in areas that has the chosen concise explaination holding a job.It is really worthy of little which experts claim lack of ability toward meaning the efficient fad allows for astounding financial up end up by 50 percent so many days.You should have actually innovative software tactics that will actually contemplate wide stakeholders and data by individuals about the many extremes of the firm. And additionally, it is going to executed different treatment machine whom helps bring about aide in consideration of couples during decisions. A new incorporation of contemporary direction treatments in their 21th era favor financial gain allowing administrations, but in addition a good cause enterprises.


Majority for managing procedures as soon as possible, sorts, knowning that Taylor copied at the beginning of the twentieth centuries. Now, it absolutely was essential for employees to leave out their brains in the gates simply check out are working for their valuable wrists and hands. This one practiceis such as communism regular having to do with normal commands and even techniques regarding that is monetary course. This is often a ailment, understanding that assumes that particular no person can any better than countless, that will be route, in some instances few people take pleasure in prep after that guidelines carried out because of alternative absolute majority. Right now, people are being employed needed for purposeful practical knowledge seeing that invest in things . to work as a cog.