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Publikazzjoni ta’ RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja. Kurrikulu ta’ Reżiljenza għall-Edukazzjoni Bikrija u Primarja fl-Ewropa.

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 at 10:40 am

RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja. Kurrikulu ta’ Reżiljenza għall-Edukazzjoni Bikrija u Primarja fl-Ewropa għadu kif ġie ppublikat f’sebgħa lingwi f’kopji stampati u diġitali. RESCUR: Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja jikkonsisti f’hames manwali li huma Gwida għall-Għalliema, Gwida għall-Ġenituri, u tliet manwali ta’ attivitajiet (Snin Bikrin, L-Ewwel Snin tal-Primarja, L-Aħħar Snin tal-Primarja). Il-kopja diġitali fiha ukoll attivaitjiet ta’ Moħħnihawn, Posters tat-Temi, Cards tal-Annimali u Mużika. Huwa meħtieg li l-istaff tal-iskola involut fl-implimetazzjoni tal-kurrikulu tal-iskola jattendi sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ dwar kif jimplimenta RESCUR (għal din ir-raġuni l-Gwida għall-Għalliema biss hija accessibli għall-pubbliku (ikklikja fuq il-qoxra tal-Gwida); l-erba manwali l-oħra jingħataw waqt i-taħrig. L-iskejjel, l-awtoritajiet edukattivi jew kwalunkwe organizzazzjoni oħra interessata li timplimenta RESCUR Nirkbu l-Mewġ tal-Ħajja tista’ tagħmel kuntatt mal-Professur Carmel Cefai, Ċentru għar-Reżiljenza u s-Saħħa Soċjo-Emozzjonali, fl-Università ta’ Malta:

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Greece, 16th December 2015

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015 at 9:22 am

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch Seminar, Croatia, 18th December 2015

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 7:46 pm

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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(English) Photos from RESCUR Launch held at Orebro University, Sweden

Monday, December 21st, 2015 at 8:00 am

Jiddispjacina! Din il-paġna mijiex disponibbli f\'din il-lingwa

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What to Expect From Best Adventure Trips in the World?

What to Expect From Best Adventure Trips in the World?

The New Angle On Best Adventure Trips in the World Just Released

It is the best tour you can do to explore the beauty of it in the most memorable. Trekking in India is thought to be among the most thrilling adventure in India which you’ll be able to enjoy. The Alps of Switzerland is among the most-visited tourist spots on the planet.

There are a lot of winter vacation destinations in India which you can select from. As a way to make it the best of your trip experience in Jaisalmer we possess the ideal travel guide that’s right for you, right here. Himalayas, the mightiest mountain reach of the world is the very best for trekking.

The Hidden Gem of Best Adventure Trips in the World

The subsequent 3 paths are some of the best. It’s particularly true when traveling, especially in unknown places. 6 to 7 days to get to the summit need to climb.

Our agents throughout the world are the very best agents to direct the user like they live in the location for years and also, they’re the absolute most excited travelers. There are a few awesome routes across the planet, each with their very own unique highlights. If you’re going to be traveling throughout the Earth, you obviously can’t be expected to understand the language and customs of every place you see.

The greatest island nation in the world, Indonesia is composed of thousands of inhabited and uninhabited islands. The area is a good mixture of the marvels of natural, ancient and contemporary civilizations.

Therefore, if the sole things you wish to shoot are pictures, your choices are wide open. Take a look on the hostel packing list to make certain you don’t miss anything else. The idea was supposed to earn a statement against modern life.

The Meaning of Best Adventure Trips in the World

Writers who don’t sharpen their skills may discover that they fall behind the pack. Possessing a dependable expert tour guide provides you with the advantage of planning yourself in advance. Group travel is normally much cheaper.

Things are just about to get wild. Fun doesn’t cut boundaries here. They will learn that sometimes a little hard work leads to a lot of fun and amazing discoveries.

Family vacations supply you with the chance to devote quality time with your family members. South America is among the Natural Wonders. Educational Travel has long lasting effects for students, who will learn a whole lot about other nations and themselves, and of course a language and several other skills.

In the current scenario, adventure travel has turned into the crux of the travel business, altering lives and thinking of several. Spiritual quest has turned into one of the more significant goal among many travelers. Cycling is an activity that lots of people may have a wholesome holiday entertainment option.

Best Adventure Trips in the World Options

If you are able to, your best option is to bring your own folding kayak. Dogsledding is 1 fun adventure. You notice almost always there’s a trekking holiday packages catch.

On the opposite hand you’re able to take a jeep safari through the Himalayas or, if you want to stand, there’s an unbelievable number of hiking chances on short walks in the alpine fields for hiking powerful low height on a number of the steps highest in the whole globe. Please don’t hesitate to contact me personally, at any moment, regarding any questions that you could have or in the event that you only want to touch base about a trek or adventure. In the event the activity isn’t too dangerous, the entire family can come along and receive the thrill too.

Top Best Adventure Trips in the World Secrets

There are lots of travel portals where you are able to discover terrific offers on last minute flights to Miami. Only then, you can secure the best itinerary and that too inside your budget. If you’re not able to choose a specific location, consult a travel agency at which you will get details about various family holiday packages.

The designs vary from easy and trendy to feminine and sturdy. Make it quite a happy new calendar year. Minimum fifteen days tour is wise to cover each component of India.

The great thing about the place is mesmerizing and you will rather not return from the vacation. If you discover that your pals or family just don’t share the exact same enthusiasm for vacationing around the world which you do, you do not need to forgo trips. When an adventure is what you’re searching for, you’ve come to the perfect spot.